ArchBook, Pt 4


Previous entries: ArchBook, Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3

I’m still 24 but it’s now a new calendar year, 1997. That’s the only date on the following entry.

choice phrases, expressions from Tape marked #3

I feel so confused about the way things are… I mean, like, in such an irritating way that The WAY THINGS ARE!! (whining, mocking) … Because, like, oh, it’s the things that Everyone feels confused about — Except I feel that the way I feel confused about it is the way that NO ONE feels confused about it!

inspired by words on the tape:
I’d like to run screaming out into the world, “YOU’RE NOT RIGHT! YOU’RE NOT RIGHT!” And when they’d turn to me and say, “Well, what do you offer…”
I’d say, “Nothing!”
Or, if they asked me what was Right, I’d say, “I don’t know.” And feel very good.

“… I don’t know … I don’t know my own mind … Oh, shit! Only someone crazy would say that.”
(spoken like a realization, it must be this, oh, damn!)



Afraid of communication because it’s two-way. I do not mind reaching out to you, or others, but the responses unnerve me. I’ve had my phone on Do Not Disturb. I’ve done nothing today. I feel it will be a miracle if I get to the office by 3 to secure the room for the party. But my intention is to hop in the shower right now and then go down there with the check and the form. I’m afraid if they react rudely I will just crumble. According to the language on the form it was supposed to be turned in already.

I’ll let you know how it goes. Sorry.

Found this interesting

ArchBook, Pt 3

bookcoverPrevious Entries: ArchBook, Pt 1 | ArchBook, Pt 2

I’m labeling this old diary “ArchBook” because it has architectural diagrams on the outside of it. (It’s a really ugly book.) Over the next [unspecified time period] I will post entries from it. The entry below is dated October 17, 1996. I edited out a few introductory lines of meta (stressing out about the structure of my diary-life).


10/17, my 24th year

Quote from HARPER’S, an article on science, physicists like Einstein + Hawking, and searches for A Grand Unifying Theory… and how they echo the pursuits of any other way of Looking at Life {Rel, Philosophy, … }:

To have a workable cosmology is to be at home in the  cosmos.
To be in the process of creating a cosmology, a more common situation in a secular age, is to be traveling toward home.

Can you see why I hilighted that passage? And why I see it as like my statement of a few years ago—
I’m saying it’s similar to my

In order to accomplish anything (believe in anything) one must be certain.
In order to be certain, one must be wrong.

Maybe I don’t feel like tying it all together right now — today.
But I still wrote it in this book…
And there’s more:
To begin something like Therapy is to open PANDORA’S BOX in a way. It’s to say, things are not right, I am NOT okay…
That opens things up too wide—
Like, when can that even be shut off?
One of the things that bothers me about everyone + every thing in the world is that it’s not fully formed… People are out there saying that they’re this + this + this . . . and yet they don’t know, like no one knows…
Oh, like I said I’m not fully formed about all this.
. . .  some more et ceteras:
Thinking + Doing are antithetical
Everyone out there is walking around not fully formed!
~ ~ ~And how it all affects me or pertains to me ~ UGH!

I’m all like who wha?

Trying to integrate too much .

My goals are too high? ?


Coming-Out Atheists Are Often Forced Back In!

Coming-Out Atheists Are Often Forced Back In!

ArchBook, Pt 2

bookcoverPrevious Entry: ArchBook, Pt 1

I’m labeling this old diary “ArchBook” because it has architectural diagrams on the outside of it. It’s a really ugly book. Over the next [unspecified time period] I will post entries from it. The entry below is undated but precedes an entry dated October 1996. 


I don’t feel valuable – I don’t feel valued. I don’t even know what it feels like anymore —
I don’t feel love.      or Loved.
At times when I did –     – OR.
Well, I had to distance myself from those feelings afterwards, so . . .
They feel wrong. mistaken anyway.

(1) is that it would never be enough anyway
No wonder people do all sorts of crazy or stupid things. to find some momentary bit of happiness – – –
OR Love from some source — for some period of time. Well, it makes Life bearable.
And to me it’s only wrong + bad.
+ not enough.

I died over + over again these last few years.
I don’t believe I can ever be reborn — to feel good? satisfied? happy? loved?
I don’t think that’s possible again.
I don’t feel right from my family. They say love but I don’t feel it the right way.
I just feel tortured.

What is worth anything?
Why do we have to have thoughts?

I’ve had to kill myself, my feelings, my caring about feeling good or getting hurt or liking someone or being liked . . . I let that part of me die — it was finally necessary.
I don’t feel anything right.
Or, the same as others do.
I’m broken.
And I believe un-fix-able.

DRUGS are the only thing that can help, perhaps.
Isn’t that so sad?
I hate life.



ArchBook, Pt 1

bookcoverI’m labeling this old diary “ArchBook” because it has architectural diagrams on the outside of it. It’s a really ugly book. Over the next [unspecified time period] I will post entries from it. The first dated entry I found was 1996. So this entry is probably from around that time.

Like many things from this time period in retrospect it reads so obviously as an in-denial gay person reconciling his differing degrees of feelings for a girlfriend (N.) and guy friends (T. & O.).

For some reason—not until I was ~18 did I even try or want to have really close friends.
Or something.
I mean, more true to say that I wanted—and it didn’t work out it seemed + at times I was very unhappy + felt “unpopular.”

But I’m thinking about how 1991 happened—and how I was in a position of emotionally relying too heavily on my friends, specifically T.—and why how I hadn’t felt that way before OR Rather how I had made it differently up until that point.
I don’t really know.
I wouldn’t say that I got all that same volume of support from family before then.

I think there are a number of factors which held off the kind of (conscious or sub-conscious) self-examination. For one simply growing up + living through adolescence—high school was more than distracting enough. Two, from an early age (for me) I had a suffocating “Love” thrust upon me—which provided the self-assurance, affection, attention, whatever I might have needed when I wanted it. In fact, between N., school, and family I think I got more than enough. What I mean is—N. was in + of herself an over-abundance, for my occasionally overwhelmed tastes.
But I knew I wanted to escape from that + have a chance to feel I acted for myself.
—won my own companions + followed my own tastes.

In all of this I cannot overlook Natural Processes. I can vividly remember feeling differently about my friendship with O. than previous friends.
—and knowing too that I hadn’t wanted/been willing/looked for as much closeness before.
—— It would be interesting to note the possible difference that lies between closeness I felt and an objective view of the friendship. I don’t know the right Answers, and I do think that there is necessarily a mingling of the two… ———
At the time I felt that I had “matured” to a point of wanting a certain kind of openness in relationships + being willing to give more + feel more “committed” — being more willing to commit myself to the friendship. I felt that, I guess, I was more comfortable with myself—and therefore less inwardly-preoccupied.
In many ways my relationship with N. still centered on self-preoccupation.

[Now I don’t know… Maybe I’m going too far—it’s hard to imagine any relationship that isn’t intensely focused on myself… but I guess one of the things I mean is that N. continually put the focus on myself—even in talks about “us” — it was always the “Y.” portion of us that needed consideration/attention. So it felt good for me to move on to a different “feel” of friendship.]

But now where am I?
Intensely focused on me,
it seems.


What got me started was thinking about what it means for me to venture emotionally back out into the world of other people. You see, the other night I penned a beautiful letter to O. which stirred much feeling in me.
(that’s not exactly right—I wrote the letter so my rising emotion caused the letter not vice-versa; OR at least they went together.)
It was nothing super-extraordinary.
OR maybe it was. Maybe it’s a true (x) re=awakening of feeling.
Well, I dunno.
All I know is when I spoke to him on the telephone I felt different. (The Real can never live up to the hyped)

Now the course of this writing may mislead. I don’t / didn’t expect to feel the friendship with O. was the same again.
What I’m trying to address is the lack of fulfillment I feel—or the desire I feel to have other people come + fill the void.
Like, any “improvement” in relations with my mother only feels like Appeasement [or some other word referring to unpleasant compromise with the Nazis].  It’s not at all that I feel that I’m going to be better helped emotionally by her. To me, the central question is one of “thereness.” (Like, when someone interviews Miss America, she’s totally not there—OR in that special, frightening case, that’s what she’s become—OR been willing to do in order to be “Miss America.”) I’m sure I’m afraid that I’ll never feel emotionally comforted by my mother.
—and what can I do about that?
Not much I feel / fear. . . ?


Drugged You vs. “Normal” You?

Drugged You vs. “Normal” You?

Which is the true self? The one allowed to shine through with the aid of medication easing our suffering OR the self experiencing the suffering with no meds?

I’ve tried both. Not sure if there’s an answer. 


Sexual Fluidity (not to be confused with…)

Sexual Fluidity (not to be confused with…)

Are identities static or fluid? 

And Now

It’s been a few weeks. And now I’d like to change the subject and discuss what I do, why I do what I do, and whether any of it matters or will ever matter or will ever change improve or amount to anything.

But I’m not going to talk about that, am I?


Outline for a Generic Radio Interview

How does one get to do what you do?

What is a misconception about what you do?

Who do you think you are?

Are you a big shot? (lol)

Omigod, I suck in a vacuum.