About Some Thinks

Z. is a new collaborator asked to join in March 2014.

Y. is a thirtysomething nothing, who says, “I occasionally work in a small boutique. Or babysit. Or create very minimal webpages for my ex-boyfriend’s workplace. (They still ask me to do it but I haven’t felt inspired since he left me at the beginning of this year.) I used to be a hardcore therapy junkie — I’m talking a 15+ year habit! — but quit cold turkey due to loss of funds and interest. I do believe that meditation and/or hypnosis has a huge potential benefit, but like a lot of other things that are good for me I can’t seem to make myself do it. I also do not follow sports or religion. I kinda feel like I should be amounting to more in this life, in part because I’ve always been addicted to thinking. My pursuit of knowledge even took me to Princeton. Fortunately I dropped out just before the finish line, so that sort of relieves the pressure to succeed. I sometimes create art which I sometimes like. I could say more, but then what would I have to blog about?” (This description is from 3 years ago and no longer current.)

X. is Y’s ex.

M. is a former collaborator on this blog.

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