Category Archives: Politics


Haves vs. Have-nots

Haves vs. Have-nots

What Class Warfare?

We all talk a lot about frustration with those who “vote against their economic interests,” but apparently (and this is from the 2010 Republican/Tea Party wave) folks do seem to get it, as seen in this chart from Balloon Juice:



I mean, at least the poorest folks seem to get it, those smarties! :) We Democrats just need to work on the $50,000 – $100,000 folks, and perhaps even the $100,000 – $200,000 folks. Those earning over $200,000/year are probably unreachable, and should be taxed, Taxed, TAXED! YAY CLASS WARFARE! YAY!

(We’re already having one that the Dems/poor are losing, so why not make some lemonade out of it?)

’splain it to me!

How can an ardent Republican give a shit about gay equality? It blows my mind.

Objecting to Shallow News Coverage

2 years and a few days ago I wrote this letter to the New York Times in objection to the trivial, high-school approach to the news I observed. Since that time I have turned to “mainstream” sources less and less. I reprint it here because I think it is well-written and probably only attracted 3 eyeballs at the time (a person and a half?). One of my intentions with some thinks gone wrong is to weave together my past and present (and future?!) into something coherent, if possible.

So, please read on as I explain how I turned away from the childish name-calling of columnists like Maureen Dowd and Frank Rich who once amused me so. Perhaps this letter marks the moment my distaste for immaturity had leapt off the opinion pages to include the “obsession with style, a petulance, an insistence on storytelling and mind-reading” evidenced even in the Times‘ straight news reporting. Continue reading