Category Archives: uncat



Afraid of communication because it’s two-way. I do not mind reaching out to you, or others, but the responses unnerve me. I’ve had my phone on Do Not Disturb. I’ve done nothing today. I feel it will be a miracle if I get to the office by 3 to secure the room for the party. But my intention is to hop in the shower right now and then go down there with the check and the form. I’m afraid if they react rudely I will just crumble. According to the language on the form it was supposed to be turned in already.

I’ll let you know how it goes. Sorry.

Found this interesting


Coming-Out Atheists Are Often Forced Back In!

Coming-Out Atheists Are Often Forced Back In!


Drugged You vs. “Normal” You?

Drugged You vs. “Normal” You?

Which is the true self? The one allowed to shine through with the aid of medication easing our suffering OR the self experiencing the suffering with no meds?

I’ve tried both. Not sure if there’s an answer. 


Sexual Fluidity (not to be confused with…)

Sexual Fluidity (not to be confused with…)

Are identities static or fluid? 

And Now

It’s been a few weeks. And now I’d like to change the subject and discuss what I do, why I do what I do, and whether any of it matters or will ever matter or will ever change improve or amount to anything.

But I’m not going to talk about that, am I?


Outline for a Generic Radio Interview

How does one get to do what you do?

What is a misconception about what you do?

Who do you think you are?

Are you a big shot? (lol)

Omigod, I suck in a vacuum.

Other favorite Talking Heads numbers


Too too too many really good ones. This list merely scratches the surface. I also love Memories Can’t Wait, I Wish You Wouldn’t Say That, Lifetime Piling Up, Warning Sign, Popsicle, The Big Country and of course all the big hits.

some civil servants are just like my loved ones

i <3 our city government
let me explain…
not the mayor or council. but the bureaucrats. i needed to update my homestead exemption. the website was a mess. the files were microsoft-only and didn’t download properly on my mac or play well with google drive. i had questions that were not answered online, etc.
i went down to their main office, waited less than one minute, then a nice young woman helped me file the paperwork instantly on her computer in under 4 minutes. easy-peasy.
it’s the same thing i do any time i need to interact with my city. i go downtown to the main office. it’s always fast and always easy.

“They work so hard and they try to be strong!”

You may think I’m OLD for interacting with my government services personally instead of online. All I know is that I do _what works_ and going directly into a city government office* just works!

*DOWNTOWN only — I can only assume that any offices located in suburbs are crowded inefficient nightmares! I recently had to wait a long time at a Comcast center located in the suburbs (because Comcast is not the government and therefore does not have to have any locations downtown). I loudly told the other dozens waiting that our government works better than this. (As a good liberal I believe in preaching the good workings of government along with criticizing the bad.) Some typical teabaggery-looking man shot back, “Don’t be so sure about that!” And I said, “Oh, but I am positive.”

Point: Sometimes government doesn’t suck.
Double-point: Sometimes government works better than a corporation.

More than incidentally

LOL. I think something’s wrong!

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Disciplining the mind
it always jumps,
doesn't stay focused
want to understand

Upset/jealous by younger
ppl who are successful or
seem to know what
they're doing
I relate more to older ppl
who acknowledge they don't know
much / it's all bullshit