Monthly Archives: May 2011

worries / no worries

Begin forwarded message:

From: Y
Date: May 20, 2011 7:16:19 PM EDT
To: X
Subject: worries / no worries

you treated me with respect this week which lifted my spirits.
even if i don’t like what you say at least you were willing to dialog with me.
you treated me with more respect than in a long time.
but i know that i cannot expect you to take an interest in me on a regular basis. i know that you left in order to unburden yourself of me.

you have said that you no longer have any worries.
perhaps i said it the wrong way by claiming that you owed me years of support in exchange for the years we mostly lived off my inheritance.
but weren’t our commitments jointly made? i mean whether explicit or implied we are both implicated in the same burdens. (so i thought.)
i get the frustration with my lack of ability to deal with all my stuff (or my “grandparents’ shit” as you might say) but i have said more than once that i would not be angry if i came home to find it all cleared out. i recognize that i’m powerless over it all. (that’s like the exact words an alcoholic uses!)

i know you work hard. and after my initial nasty attitude towards your job i became a huge cheerleader for you (don’t know if you noticed).

i’m so sad.

there is more i’d like to say, but thankfully for me and you i have an opportunity to go have some fun right now. i’ll be in touch later.

my nephew’s phone is #. you know kids like texts more than calls anyway, so if you’d like to send him a congrats text i’m sure he’d appreciate it. his graduation is in :45

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. — What happens to those of us who aren’t tough? :-(


Begin forwarded message:

From: Y
Date: May 15, 2011 7:18:12 PM EDT
To: X
Subject: Mother

I happen to feel it’s ludicrous for you and my mother to conspire to say that I’ll never get better. Did you ever think to say to her, “And oh by the way he feels zero support and zero affection for you. I’m his lover, we might as well be married, and the fact that you aren’t open to these things is excruciating for him. So that may have something to do with his lack of mental progress over the years!”

Of course you probably feel it’s not your place to say these things. So why did you share the other shit?!


i am bawling.

is that how you spell it, “bawling”?

many of my more sensitive friends have told me that  X gave them bad vibes from the beginning. but perhaps one can see how i enjoyed the company of someone not prone to introspection? i thought he was sturdy and strong as he absorbed all my calamities with nary an outward sign. little did i know that it was building up inside of him. he says his blood pressure has dropped from dangerously unsafe to healthy since he left me. isn’t that great?

how can anyone stay with a depressed person? for, sure, the particulars of X’s leaving me make me angry at him but overall i cannot blame him. if i could leave myself i would. and, yeah, the money dried up and he left — but there are two ways of looking at that also. i mean, money created more good times which made living with a depressed person more bearable. it has been said that i was only happy on vacations.

a significant portion of me just does not want to move on at all. can i fight that? must i? i just don’t know. in a weird twisted moment i thought, would i live differently — would i ‘fly by the seat of my pants’ — if i thought that i might just end it all tomorrow? i mean, is it possible to live every day like it’s the last day of your life? would that be liberating for me? would i have a better life?

most know that i do not have a job. but do they know that i struggle to get out of bed _every day_? that sometimes X would come home from work and i’d still be in bed? he avoided coming home because it either angered or saddened him to see me. the house is a mess, always. i do nothing. and i am nothing.

he’s one of those people who sees the world simply. you get up. you do things. when things turn bad you do not look back in despair. you try to learn from your mistakes and keep going. he thinks i “wallow”. he thinks i’m spoiled and expect others to take care of me. it’s hard to argue. i try to, and i do argue — but it all becomes about semantics. i cannot deny the facts of the case; only the reasons behind the facts. he calls these excuses.

who’s right?

isn’t he more right than i am?

oh, well.

well, that didn’t go well…

my birthday summit with my ex was disappointing. here i was i just wrote to him after a little reflection:

i call bullshit on one thing you said, it just doesn’t make sense.

you said that people could see you working so hard and me doing nothing so you did not want me coming along with your business socializing. but that does not make much sense on several levels. for one thing, if it is people you are just getting to know they would not know that about me and if it’s anything i’m good at is (or was) socializing. for another, if your desired goal was for me to get out of my shell and function in the world you would not encourage that by freezing me out of social and professional interactions. i think if you were honest with yourself you would realize that you just did not like me anymore. if anything, your treatment of me was more debilitating, and i think you should own up to that.

you know very well that i never had any problem being witty charming and entertaining with people i’ve just met in a social setting. that’s something you have witnessed first-hand in new york, south florida and the mediterranean. in fact it’s one of the things someone (i can’t think who right now) pointed out to me in saying that it made no sense you left me completely out of your business socializing. by any normal standards i would have been an asset. the only way of seeing me differently is in realizing that you had turned against me.

you got the best out of me, when it was available. i can understand your frustration. but what shocks me is your anger. i thought i must’ve built up a large reservoir of good will with you based on years of “love” and based on working through your infidelity and based on our shared family and friends and based on all our good times. that’s what shocks me so much in your reactions to me now. it is very clear to me that every bad thing i ever did was stored away as resentment inside you.

so, my point above is that you didn’t want the best for me because you did not encourage it. you turned away from me.

lastly, everything always returns back to money. your resentment stems from how hard you worked when i did not. but when i point out that we had already lived off my contribution (albeit a passive one), you get infuriated. i just don’t see how i wouldn’t be allowed to live off you for at least as long as you lived off me before the resentments were justified. (it absolutely burns me up that your facebook is filled with all these pictures of you taken around the world BY ME, ON MY DIME and there is not one GODDAMNED mention of who it was you were with at the time. you are a schmuck.)

if you are not willing to support me now then i have no reason to keep silent about my negative opinions towards you. i think you have behaved in a dishonorable manner and i intend to let everyone know.

hapy birfday 2 me

For some bizarre reason, I posted the following to my account at Daily Kos. I mention that here to account for the strange references to politics and debate. (For I do not feel like rewriting it again.)

My life, as brief as I can make it while including the main points:

Grew up in a family which was more concerned about external appearances than internal closeness. The Catholic Church was seen as some sort of eternal score-keeper. The upper-class scene was the earthly score-keeper. I fit in until I could not do it anymore. I made it all the way to college without letting my family discover that my acts of pleasing them had changed from real to fake. I had “held my breath” for so long that while at college I desperately sought love and acceptance from fellow-students who were not up to the task of sustaining someone as needy as me. My sexuality continued to be confused. I had one girlfriend in high school, and one in college. Both relationships were sexual, satisfying, and co-dependent. At the same time I obsessed over relationships with men and male imagery. I never liked my body. Growing up it seemed the human body was the enemy of the mind/soul. Everything which my body told me was frowned on by authority figures in my childhood. My mother had disdain for my emerging masculinity in puberty and I had no father or other male role model. I managed to suppress or confuse most of my homosexual urges. I’m sure many of my friends at the time were awfully bewildered! All of my worries and stresses erupted in college, derailing my Ivy League education. I dropped out, attempted a minor band-aid, and re-enrolled. I made it another couple of years then dropped out again. I never finished, with about a year left incomplete. During this time I attempted intense therapy. My mother was invited in. She basically wanted the “old me” back, the one where I was devoted to pleasing her. It did not seem to matter that I said that was fake. To her that was the “the depression” talking. She felt sure that if I could just take the right combination of medications I would be terrific again. I was not sure if I wanted to, or if I could, be my old self again. My mind thrashed back and forth between possibilities, hope, fear, delusion — with very little guidance or anchor. Homosexuality still was not a major thought in my mind. Oh, I was jerking off to hot male images daily, thanks to the newfangled Internet, but that topic never fully emerged in therapy or in discussions with my mother. F’ed up, I know! But, there were enough other problems to cover, I thought. (“I’ll leave that secret shame for last!”) I tried to understand my childhood and my mother’s refusal to acknowledge reality, specifically her attitudes towards my father whom she left shortly after my birth. But basically I never really got anywhere in therapy with my mother — so unwilling was she to accept that there was a new changed me that we were giving birth to, one which would not always defer to her. She ended up blaming my female therapist. I suppose I should’ve seen that coming! All my mother’s thoughts were of finding the wonder drugs which would make me normal. (Perhaps that’s why I refuse to take drugs today and suffer along getting by only on my own flawed reasoning.) My mother continued to support me financially, so I stopped butting heads with her. I was despondent. I numbed the part of me that longed for comfort from her. We learned to be civil to each other and ignore the rest. She seems to have filled whatever emptiness she may feel with increasing religiosity. I stopped looking for God when I noticed that my prayers had gone from asking God to change me, heal me or fix me to just asking that he take my life. When I realized that the only prayer I had left was praying to die, I stopped praying. I did not immediately say I was an atheist — that took time and reasoning — but I stopped believing that God had something to offer me personally that day in my apartment when I vowed no longer to ask for deliverance. Don’t get me wrong, I still yearned for a passive death to relieve my suffering (and often still do). But I stopped asking for magic help from those unseen corners of the universe. [This account is not intended to be a full explanation of how my once real faith turned to atheism. I’d be happy to write that another time, but mercy! this is trying to be brief, remember?] In an effort to speed things up I will say here’s the rest: a few minor unfulfilling jobs, never finished college, never ‘got real’ again with mother, attempted relations with women but got less and less out of it, finally sought relationships with men in my late 20s, had two significant long-term relationships with men, inherited some money and had some financial stability, lost all the money in real estate holdings in 2008 & 2009. Throughout this time I have worked on relationships with others, which I’ve always found difficult. I have cultivated meaningful relationships where I can find them, which has meant my nephews and nieces and even seeking out a relationship with my father (which has been very difficult and also rewarding).


Throughout all this time I have still been a person who is more unhappy than not. I’m not going to lie: much of my inheritance was wasted on fleeting indulgences which brought me momentary lift. I thought my “business-minded” partner had his eye on the long game. But real estate held dangers which he and I were too young to know about. Our adult lives had seen one long boom! Now it’s a bust. My boyfriend got tired of the pressure, the displeasure of living with a depressive. He’s gone, and much happier now. I can’t help but feel bitter that he stayed for the high life and left when the lean times came. And, hey, how about that inequality for gays?! Despite the fact our finances were combined (my mistake, obviously) I’m not entitled to anything he makes from now on.

I’m 39. I have accomplished little. I had thought that a long-term gay relationship was my biggest accomplishment in life, considering the attitudes I had started with. Now that’s out the window! But I can’t totally blame him and say it’s all about the money. It is a real drag to live with me. I know.

So… why on Earth did I write this?
Well, it’s my birthday and I’ll cry if I want to. (If I could I would.)

No, honestly, the real point of writing this was to show that the same story can be viewed multiple ways. It is relevant to politics and political discussion.

I cannot rewrite this story from my mother’s perspective, nor would I want to. But I do know enough about her to give what would be her view (for those who’ll never know me or her, just consider a very religious Southern woman of about 70):

Somehow I just know that her version of my life would revolve around that fact that I have rejected God and I have ‘chosen’ homosexuality. And that is why I can never be happy.

And it drives me nuts that there’s no way I can prove my version of my life and disprove hers. And that is the case when it comes to almost all important arguments. The two sides (or multiple sides) will never even agree on the fundamental premises. In my opinion her premises are flawed because I do not believe in a god and I think it’s an irrational basis to begin a discussion. Similarly, she sees me as deluded (wickedly so).

I know this long story is all about me and my personal experiences. But I have to believe that others can relate. As I said when I started Part I:

I am 38. By the time I finish writing this it will likely be the early morning hours of my 39th birthday. I’m not entirely sure what I’m writing or why. I have been unhappy for years. Honestly I would say I’ve been unhappy “forever” and then became aware of it. A life story can be told in so many different ways and I believe even one small story can have resonance for ourselves as a people and for politics. I’m not attempting to be grandiose when I say this; I’m pointing out that just as we view a family, a life, a conversation multiple ways so too every public interaction and policy.

atheistic certainty?

someone i respect just questioned my ability to state, “i am an atheist.” this person self-identifies as an agnostic and questioned “how atheists can be as certain as the faithful”…

here’s what i responded:

i don’t claim to “know” anything, and in that sense i suppose i am agnostic. however, i do not feel that i am on a spiritual quest and nothing supernatural has ever made any meaningful impression on me. so, in that context, claiming to be “agnostic” seems to be placing religion into a special box where it does not get treated like anything else. there is a plethora of things in which i do not believe. god happens to be one of them. rarely am i ever asked to declare where i stand on numerology, magic, psychokinesis, etc. but on facebook and in life i am asked to identify my religion. if a label is solicited atheist is mine. some atheists have recently embraced the label “nontheist” because they feel it has less stigma and seems to give off less of that “certitude” to which you refer — regardless i use either term in the simplest sense: i do not believe in a god. that does not mean i am not open to changing my mind if sufficient proof materialized.

i would prefer not to have to live in a world which defines a person largely based on religious label. i would prefer to be called a “realist” or a “rationalist” — which to me would encapsulate my rejection of gods, spirits, magic, tarot, psychics, etc.

hell! i don’t even know if animals can have emotions. i honestly do not *believe* that they do. i think we project so much onto their behaviors (some of which are instinctual, some brought about through breeding, and some learned). but i cannot say that i *know* what goes on in the mind of my beloved pet. i’m just saying that if someone asked me i would say that i do not actually believe that he loves me. i believe i love him and i believe his attitude toward me is comfortable, habituated, attuned, reliant. this is my belief and it is uncertain.


to follow up on the previous post…

From:   Y
Subject: i see you are in a new relationship
Date: May 5, 2011 4:08:28 AM EDT
To:   X
From:   X
Subject: Re: i see you are in a new relationship
Date: May 5, 2011 12:57:58 PM EDT
To:  Y

I’m seeing someone, what of it?

From:  Y
Subject: Re: i see you are in a new relationship
Date: May 5, 2011 6:41:32 PM EDT
To:  X

This message overflowed with your usual kindness and concern:

On May 5, 2011, at 12:57 PM, X wrote:
I’m seeing someone, what of it?

No matter what you may think or how you may now view our many years together, I loved you deeply. You were the most important thing in my life.

As you’ve noted, that was not enough to overcome my fundamental depression and overall misery at being alive.

I’m sure you have found somebody pleasant, with a steady job, and whom you’re happy to see. Unlike me who brought you down.

But: I had value. I am honest. I have a clear view of the world. I am intellectually rigorous, by which I mean I examine myself and the claims of others to weed out the irrational. Sadly, i have not been able to use reason to overcome my pessimistic view of life. But I have left behind many fears and prejudices that I once had, including religion.

I do not think there are many people with a mind like me and I thought in you I had found someone who would stand with me no matter what. I am forever broken.
From:   Y
Subject: So sad
Date: May 6, 2011 12:32:37 AM EDT
To:   X

You erased all your feelings for me


i noticed tonight that my ex’s facebook page says he is “in a relationship.”* shortly thereafter i defriended him. it’s not good for me to follow his life post-me.

i don’t want to wake up tomorrow. i just want to drink myself to death right now.

look, friends (and i really should never have given this web address to friends in the first place): this is what this blog is for! wallowing in emotion is the order of the day.

“uncertainty” because i really do not know anything. a few weeks ago X told me he had deleted another online profile because of unwanted attention. of course it could actually be the case that he deleted said profile because he had already entered into another relationship. anything is possible. X has never been exceptionally honest.

another thing which confused me recently is that when my mom invited X to her house for Easter (don’t ask!) he said he’d be at the beach and even attending church that day. well, since he and i were longstanding atheists i really wondered WTF that was about. i texted him several times to ask about it and never received a response.

• • •

I had a nice night tonight with great people. Earlier I had a great time at Art Walk and saw some cool stuff and talked to an interesting artist. Still, this makes me feel pretty shitty.

• • •

* also, i don’t think his facebook page ever said “in a relationship” when he was with me.

archival quality

well, “quality” is a joke! i honestly don’t think anything on here is of quality.

but, i wanted to plug an old piece of writing which i have migrated to this site and which now has its own page.


My mom said she’d love for me to take a camera [to my father’s 2nd wedding], not so she can see the event from a safe distance, but so that she could scan their house for anything that had belonged to her + her parents. — Now, that’s uncomfortable.

Just the thought of seeing my father makes me shake with nervousness.